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Return Assistance to Failed Asylum Seekers and Irregular Migrants in Australia
Case Management, Counselling, Return Planning for Asylum Seekers in Australia
Reintegration Assistance for Irregular Migrants from Australia
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Return Assistance to Failed Asylum Seekers and Irregular Migrants in Australia

Assistance with returning to country of origin for failed asylum seekers and irregular migrants

Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) is an international migration service designed by IOM on behalf of governments to help eligible migrants make informed and voluntary choices about returning to their country of origin.

IOM has been engaging in Assisted Voluntary Return services in Australia and its surrounding region for over 10 years.  This assistance includes:

  • Provision of return counselling
  • Case by case support as per individual needs
  • Return to country of origin travel arrangements
  • Provisional post-arrival and reintegration assistance
  • Travel document assistance

Since the start of the project, approximately 4,000 irregular migrants in the community have been referred to IOM for return assistance.  Over half of the individuals referred have chosen voluntarily return to their country of origin through IOM’s AVR program.

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Case Management, Counselling, Return Planning for Asylum Seekers in Australia

Return counselling services for the voluntary return of irregular martime arrivals

IOM provides return counselling and reintegration assistance planning for Irregular Maritime Arrivals (IMAs) who have been placed in an immigration detention facility, community detention or hold a Bridging Visa E in Australia.  IOM coordinates a service that is geared primarily towards supporting IMA individuals make well-informed decisions regarding their migration status, pathway and outcome options within Australia’s immigration review processes.  In addition, reintegration assistance planning to country of origin will be provided to those migrants wishing to voluntary return to their country of origin with IOM assistance.

Reintegration Assistance for Irregular Migrants from Australia

Provision of the individualised reintegration assistance package for irregular migrants (asylum seekers) returnees from australia

Utilising IOM’s world-wide network, IOM has been providing reintegration assistance to Irregular Maritime Arrivals (IMA’s) voluntarily returning to their country of origin from Australia since 2010.  IOM strives to provide individualized voluntary return plans that contribute to a sustainable integration for the failed asylum seekers into their community. Maintaining close links with other IOM project services in the country of return supports the transition from host country to country of origin. While reintegration support generally follows a validated standardized approach, flexibility remains an important aspect of the assistance provided.  Generally, IOM capacity on reintegration assistance will include the following: 

  • Reception assistance in country of origin
  • Follow-up counselling upon arrival and referrals to relevant agencies if required
  • Individualized in-kind reintegration assistance
  • Follow-up and provisional monitoring

This package can be utilized for small business planning, vocational development combined with limited financial assistance.

World Migration Report 2010 - The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change
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