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Project Themes
Movement, Emergency and Post-conflict Migration Management
Migration Health
Regulating Migration
Migration and Development
Facilitating Migration
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Assisted Passage for Australian Government Funded Refugees
IOM No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
New Zealand Government Funded Quota Refugee Resettlement Program
Health Assessment and Pre-departure Medical Screening (PDMS) for Humanitarian Entrants to Australia
Offshore Medical Screening for the New Zealand Quota Refugees
Return Assistance to Failed Asylum Seekers and Irregular Migrants in Australia
Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (Bali Process)
Border Capacity Improvement Program (BCIP) in Vanuatu
Capacity building for Solomon Islands
Concession Airfare and Baggage Allowance for Migrants Travelling to Australia and New Zealand
Sponsor Pre-paid Movements to Australia and New Zealand
Australian Cultural Orientation Programme (AUSCO)
Pre-Consular Supports to New Zealand Government
Home  /  Programmes

Movement, Emergency and Post-conflict Migration Management

Assisted Passage for Australian Government Funded Refugees

Assistance for the resettlement travel of Australia-bound refugees

IOM No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)

Provision of no-interest loan for the travel of refugee families

New Zealand Government Funded Quota Refugee Resettlement Program

Assistance for the resettlement travel of New Zealand-bound refugees


Migration Health

Health Assessment and Pre-departure Medical Screening (PDMS) for Humanitarian Entrants to Australia

Offshore health screenings and pre-departure medical check for the humanitarian entrants to Australia

Offshore Medical Screening for the New Zealand Quota Refugees

Offshore health screenings and pre-departure medical check for New Zealand bound refugees


Regulating Migration

Voluntary Return Assistance to Asylum Seekers and Irregular Migrants in Australia

Assistance with returning to country of origin for failed asylum seekers and irregular migrants

Case Management, Counselling, Return Planning for Asylum Seekers in Australia

Return counselling services for the voluntary return of irregular martime arrivals

Reintegration Assistance for Irregular Migrants from Australia

Provision of the Individualised Reintegration Assistance package for irregular migrants (asylum seekers) Returnees From Australia


Migration and Development

Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (Bali Process)

Logistical and administrative support for meetings and workshop relating to Bali Process

Border Capacity Improvement Program (BCIP) in Vanuatu

Assessment and advice on the improvement of the capacity of the Vanuatu government?s border management mechanism

Capacity building for Solomon Islands

Assessment and advice on the improvement of the capacity of the Solomon Islands government?s border management mechanism


Facilitating Migration

Concession Airfare and Baggage Allowance for Migrants Travelling to Australia and New Zealand

Discounted ticket and generous baggage allowance for migrants settling to Australia and New Zealand

Sponsor Pre-paid Movements to Australia and New Zealand

Discounted ticket and generous baggage allowance for the sponsors of the Australia-and New Zealand-bound migrants in Australia or New Zealand

Australian Cultural Orientation Programme (AUSCO)

Provision of pre-departure orientation session to Australia-bound humanitarian entrants on the life in Australia

Pre-Consular Supports to New Zealand Government

Pre-Consular supports to the government of New Zealand on their behalf where it has limited resources


Our Services
Assisted Voluntary Return
IOM No Interest Loan Scheme
Concessional Airfare and baggage allowance
World Migration Report 2010 - The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change
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