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   IOM Australia   

Australia is a country of some 23 million people originating from almost 200 different countries. Migration has enriched Australian society and contributed strongly to economic growth and productivity. Almost half of the people living in Australia today are either migrants or children of migrants. Migrants currently account for almost two thirds of Australia?s population growth. Australia continues to be a major destination country for humanitarian and other permanent immigrants, as well as short-term visitors. In addition to the sizeable number of people who come to Australia each year via legal and regular pathways, Australia manages the small proportion of people who arrive at its borders in an irregular manner via air and sea routes.

Australia works with its neighbours and international organisations to develop a comprehensive regional approach to deterring people smuggling activities. To this end, Australia is the co-chair with Indonesia of the more than 45 member Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime ( This approach complements robust refugee status assessment processes in Australia to identify persons in need of protection.

IOM Country Office for Australia has coordinating and liaison functions with the Government of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific, to help address the broad range of migration issues not only in Australia and the region but globally through Australian-funded activities that, inter alia, directly assist migrants or build the capacity of other governments to better manage migration.


TC Winston Response in Fiji

Following the devastation brought about by Tropical Cyclone Winston, initial reports from the Fiji Government in early March indicated that more than 54,000 evacuees had taken refuge from TC Winston and in its aftermath in more than 700 evacuation centres, many of which were schools. By 26 March 2016, official government figures recorded 361 evacuees in 26 evacuation centres. IOM was requested by the Government of Fiji to conduct tracking and monitoring to capture information about evacuees. Working in close collaboration with the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) and the Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics (FIBoS), 32 enumerators trained by IOM conducted Evacuation Tracking and Monitoring (ETM) on 9-23 March 2016. The ETM enumerators were deployed to Ba, Ra, Bua, Lomaiviti, Ra, Cakaudrove and Lau Provinces and were able to survey 309 evacuee sites interviewing key informants such as village leaders and private individuals seeing to the needs of the evacuees as well as knowledgeable evacuated persons themselves. For more information please see the report here: PDF


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