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Health Assessment and Pre-departure Medical Screening (PDMS) for Humanitarian Entrants to Australia
Offshore Medical Screening for the New Zealand Quota Refugees
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Migration Health

Health Assessment and Pre-departure Medical Screening (PDMS) for Humanitarian Entrants to Australia

Offshore health screenings and pre-departure medical check for the humanitarian entrants to Australia

IOM conducts health assessments in 23 countries for individuals with humanitarian visas for travel to Australia. These assessments are specifically tailored to accommodate Australia?s existing immigration health prerequisites and entry requirements.  This provision ensures migrants are linked to and given appropriate referrals to medical services once they have arrived in Australia.  During the last 10 years, approximately 60,000 humanitarian entrants have undergone health assessment through IOM. 

IOM has also been contracted to conduct Pre-Departure Medical Screening (PDMS) to humanitarian cases bound to Australia since 2008, assessing migrant?s fitness to travel during their resettlement. The aim of the health assessment is to confirm the migrant?s health status and wellbeing to eliminate potential risks during travel.  The screening consists of a full medical examination conducted by IOM 72 hours prior to one?s departure.  Currently it is conducted in 31 locations world-wide.  Since 2008, over 23,000 humanitarian entrants have undergone the PDMS through IOM. 

IOM Australia is the administration site for health-related programmes, continually liaising with the Australian government to provide a range of services with initiated ongoing proposals.    

Offshore Medical Screening for the New Zealand Quota Refugees

Offshore health screenings and pre-departure medical check for New Zealand bound refugees

IOM coordinates the offshore medical screenings for refugees accepted under New Zealand?s refugee quota.  The screenings are conducted to meet New Zealand?s entry health requirements before arrival.  This process also notifies the New Zealand government of any pre-existing medical conditions a refugee may hold. Identifying pre-existing conditions is important for refugee?s medical wellbeing so that the appropriate treatment plan, reception and post arrival facilities are made available upon arrival.
IOM Australia is responsible for liaising with the New Zealand government and the IOM field missions in order to ensure that the requirements are met before refugees? departure. 

World Migration Report 2010 - The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change
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