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Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme
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What does AVR cost me?
Will speaking with IOM affect the outcome of my appeal?
Can I go to a different country?
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What does AVR cost me?

It doesn's cost you anything. IOM's return counseling and assisted voluntary return service is free of charge.

Will speaking with IOM affect the outcome of my appeal?

No, IOM works separately and independently from DIBP. Speaking to IOM is an entirely voluntary and confidential service that will have no impact on the outcome of your case.

Can I go to a different country?

Generally, we would help you to return to your country of citizenship. Depending on your circumstances, IOM may be able to help you to to another country if you can show proof of residence for that country (for example a valid residence visa).

AVR Report
Global annual report of AVRR `2011 at a Glance`
More Info
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Program information Brochure
More Info